
Friday, October 1, 2010

Cricut Crop Friday - Countdown To...Whatever!

Everyone seems to be making these Countdown things. So I jumped on the bandwagon!
I decided to make mine universal.
Now we can use it for anything exciting that we have coming up.
I started with two blocks (I cut mine from a 4x4 post) and a 2x4.
I painted a rough coat of white over the wood.

I cut all my paper to fit within the sides of my
blocks and them using Mod Podge I glued them down.

Here we are all done.
TIP: Try to use papers that go well together. I used a line of paper that is made to work together. This way no matter what sides of the blocks are showing they look good.

Using my Cricut (Cricut Crop Friday! Duh!) I cut vinyl numbers.
This is what you will need:
Block 1: 1,2,6,0,7,8
Block 2: 1,4,3,5,2,0
Doesn't matter what order just as long as they are on the right blocks.
Stick my vinyl on the blocks.

I sanded down my edges to add a bit of texture.

I added a little clip on the end. This is so I can put a slip of paper to show what we are counting down to.
Yeah! 3 days till Dylan's Birthday and 9 till Logan's!

Fun to do and SUPER easy!
Button NO Blink


  1. Hi great site. Following you from Friday follow

  2. Hey there! I'm a new follower from Sassy Sites! I hope you get a chance to check out my blog!

  3. Can you make me one too? I could use that at school for big tests, etc. You are too dang creative!!!

  4. GREAT idea! I LOVE that you can change out what you are counting down to so easily! Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you to see you again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions


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